Monday 21 February 2011


The mtaablog (Music Tech Audio Africa) is a Web resource for all things music technology and audio relevant to Africa

The idea behind MTAA is to create a "space" where music tech, audio professionals, music producers, Instrumentalists, live and recording engineers and even "non professional enthusiasts" can swap ideas, tell their stories on how they go about their work, the challenges they face and how they over come them; all this with view to improve, standardize the Music Tech and Audio profession in, from and for Africa.

MTAA is solution to a personal problem of how to get music tech /audio resources on and for the African continent as there seems to be none so far.

My  vision for themtaa is for it to be a:
  • Relevant resource base for Music Tech Audio in Africa
  • Launch pad that will bring up better Engineers,Producers and Musicians
  • Starting point to formalizing our very "fluid"  profession

We are earnestly looking for writers who are passionate about music tech, so go ahead give us a shout.  If you have access to audio (live or studio) engineers/producers who have impressive portfolios (infrom and for Africa) that would not mind giving us an interview, kindly do let us know. 

Check- If- It's- On!

P.S. Mtaa (m-taah) is a Swahili word that means either  “District” or “Area” its used in colloquial Swahili to refer to “village”

1. MTAA is not a charts based album and song review so PLEASE do not send us mp3s of your songs or URLS to your videos

2. MTAA is not a gossip/celebrity blog so kindly do not send us pictures of your self, your girlfriend, celebrities and Icons that you admire.

3.  We at MTAA encourage strong opinions and critical thought; we however   do NOT promote or tolerate any Profanity, Racism, partial/ full frontal or back nudity, and pornographic and bigoted statements. These will be deleted immediately and the offender banned from our lovely MTAA paradise; cursed to roam the Internet underworld. [Seriously though, if this is your thing please move to another blog; will be very vigilant about it]

4. The MTAA community is primarily and only concerned with improving Music Tech/Audio in Africa, so let us “govern” our comments with that brief in mind.

5. MTAA serves the right to moderate comments that involve transactions of goods and services. [Keeps the leeches, spammers and bots away]

6. All the content on MTAA is while we can not stop you from copy/pasting, we can make an appeal to your moral good and If you do not currently have one, we will get our lawyer to send an email to the internet police (unlike unicorns, the Internet Police does exist...) if we think you are plagiarizing our content.

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